For the attention of all supporters travelling with us this season.
All bookings must be cash in hand, and only in the Club Shop - with a designated area
towards the front of the shop. Bookings can also be taken on the coach to and from
away matches.
Under the Football League rules we are not allowed to take unaccompanied
junior supporters to away games. All supporters under the age of 18 are now classed
as juniors and will need to be accompanied by an appropriate adult.
We have amended our pricing system accordingly.
This season we will continue to use Lysaghts Institute as our departure point for all away games. There is ample parking near the institute grounds and members can use the small area of Morrison's car park in the corner area by the entrance to the Institute.
NCAFCSC - Travel:
Travel :
Drop off Points.
Please Note:
On all future return journeys there will be fixed drop off points i.e Royal Oak; Treberth Estate ; Jet Garage ; Cross Hands ;
Maindee (optional) ; Riverfront Theatre & Lysaghts.